M&A Blog and News

December 20, 2016

BDO USA, LLP Joins the M&A Leadership Council
Submitted by M&A Leadership Council

DALLAS – December 20, 2016 – The M&A Leadership Council today announced that BDO USA, LLP has joined the Council as a Transaction Advisory Services training partner.  The M&A Leadership Council is dedicated to identifying best practices, establishing standards for training and certification and providing methods, tools and expertise to companies either contemplating or actively involved in mergers and acquisitions ...

December 14, 2016

During a recent client engagement, we presented the company’s executive staff with the rationale and approach for a comprehensive process of deal measurement and feedback. After our meeting, the firm’s integration manager teasingly chided us for “messing up a pretty comfortable arrangement.” “Until now,” he explained, “our executive team has had a ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy surrounding mergers. I don’t ask what the next deal is going to be, and they don’t ask me how the integration of this one is going.”

December 7, 2016

Here’s a startling thought: your customers probably have more M&A experience than you do! Think about it. Whether your business is B2B or B2C doesn’t matter. Your customers have more M&A related “been there, done that” deal-count experience with other businesses they interface with than your current leadership team could ever hope to achieve.

November 30, 2016

If you’re just now picking up this three-part mini-series on “getting the riskiest days right,” please be sure to catch on what we believe are the riskiest days in M&A and why: The Riskiest Day and Getting Announcement Day Right.

November 25, 2016

Chairman's Message, November 2016
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council 

Well, here we are approaching the end of 2016 and making plans for 2017.  It gives me great pleasure to announce that BDO has joined the M&A Leadership Council and will be leading the Transaction Management portion of our broad training programs for next year with a focus on ...

November 25, 2016

How the Trump Presidency will Impact M&A
Contributed by Intralinks, A Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

Did you see it coming? Over the last nine months,Intralinks polled thousands of global dealmakers to understand how they thought a Trump presidency would impact M&A. In this quarter’s Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor we use our data and look to the future, discussing what...

November 25, 2016

Chart YOUR Path in 2017
By April Dumas, Marketing & Program Manager, M&A Leadership Council

Professional certifications are important in today’s marketplace.  Historically, certifications were meant to protect the public and deliver the highest quality of service.  In the M&A world, it speaks volumes to your colleagues and awards you with the recognition you deserve.... 

November 25, 2016

Shaping the Future of M&A
Submitted by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

With an increase in demand for digital content, as well as an influx of new advancements to meet these needs, media and technology companies are using M&A as a strategic tool to rapidly grow. Most acquirers are using this tool to enter new market segments, as they realize three ...