M&A Blog and News

October 29, 2016

Steps Organizations Can Take to Maximize Chances for Success
Contributed by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Spin-offs — corporate transactions in which business units separate from their parent company to become independent entities — are increasingly popular as companies reexamine their business strategies and search for additional ways to boost shareholder returns ...

October 29, 2016

Handling Upheaval
Contributed by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

The Brexit referendum on June 23 kicked off a season of significant political events across the globe, including the unpredictable US election. As dealmakers gear up for the busy year-end period, how are these events affecting the M&A environment ...

October 29, 2016

The 6 Things that Make You Look Great
Contributed by Intralinks, A Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

What makes a company an attractive M&A target? In a study with Cass Business School in London – the first of its kind – Intralinks examined 23 years of data from almost 34,000 companies worldwide to find the answer.  We found six vital signs you should be aware of to make a company ...


October 29, 2016

Momentum Maintained on Mega Deals
Contributed by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

LONDON, 25 September 2016 – European M&A activity picked up in the third quarter with the number of deals completed, on track to reach a five-year high by the end of the year according to the latest Willis Towers Watson’s Quarterly Deal Performance Monitor (QDPM). 

October 29, 2016

Join Mergermarket and Industry Experts as They Look at the State of Play for Financial Services
Presented by Remark/Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

After a record year for Financial Services M&A, dealmaking figures in the sector have fallen off in 2016 as overall M&A activity softened. However, several factors this year – such as the increasing relevance of fintech, tighter regulations and the promise of a new US government administration ...

October 29, 2016

Some Interesting M&A Data
Provided by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

With two blockbuster mega-deals occurring in the third quarter of this year and overall M&A on the decline, September became the highest-valued month despite having the lowest number of deals ... 


October 29, 2016

Available M&A Positions
Presented by Talent Services of M&A Leadership Council

Look at our opportunities for Integration Management Consultants with a leading North American firm and Director of Acquisitions Operations for project management support in acquisition projects ...

October 26, 2016

Everyone says it all the time: “M&A is a skill set, an enterprise competency, an organizational capability.” 

We certainly believe that, and I’ll bet you do, too. Common sense and practical experiences (both good and bad!) have demonstrated time and again that you have to work to get your organization good at M&A. Even with deep pockets of expertise, for example, in the corporate development department, or perhaps in the IT shop, many organizations still struggle to achieve consistently superior business results from M&A.