M&A Blog and News

December 21, 2016

The “Trump Effect” on M&A: Seven Predictions for 2017
By Dr. Alexandra Reed Lajoux, Board of M&A Standards/Founding Principal at CapEx

The inauguration of President Donald J. Trump in January 2017 could go down in history as the beginning of a new era for the U.S. economy in general and for M&A. The fulfillment of Trump’s pro-business and pro-American campaign promises could well bring increased vitality through ...

December 21, 2016

EBITDA vs. Adjusted EBITDA and Why it Matters 
By Tony Enlow, Managing Director, Transaction Advisory Services at BDO, a partner of M&A Leadership Council 

Although compliant with US GAAP, the reported results of a potential acquisition target, often do not reflect the sustainable run rate of the company's cash flows. This article defines the difference between reported results and quality of earnings ...

December 21, 2016

Post-Merger Integration - It is Never Too Early in the Deal Process to Start Planning
Submitted by Intralinks, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

It’s never too early in the deal process to start planning for post-merger integration (PMI). A common timing tipping point for initiating this process is when the letter of intent is signed. At this juncture, there’s a level of commitment on both sides of the deal table. Starting to craft a PMI plan ...

December 21, 2016

One Size Does Not Fit All
Provided by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

Conventional wisdom holds that employees generally react adversely to the level of change a merger, acquisition or other type of deal may bring. But what isn’t widely understood and sometimes underestimated is the variance in the ways employees view the deal and the ways those...

December 21, 2016

Asian Financial Forum (AFF) Set for Hong Kong this January
Submitted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council 

The 10th edition of the Asian Financial Forum will take place in Hong Kong, January 16-17, 2017.  The Asian Financial Forum (AFF) brings together some of the most influential members of the global financial and business community to discuss developments and trends ... 

December 21, 2016

Why Tech Giant is Aquiring Harmen International?
Provided by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

On November 14th, Samsung announced the acquisition of Harman International, the US-based developer and manufacturer of audio and electronic systems for the auto industry, for $8.6bn with an offer price of $112 per share (a 27.8% premium on Harman’s share price one day before)...

December 21, 2016

Markets Group Presents: Private Equity Forum in NYC
Submitted by Markets Group

Markets Group is running a meeting in New York this March for 200 LPs, venture and private equity funds. This private meeting will include: 120+ institutional investors and family offices from the US market, 15+ hours of networking and focused one-on-one meetings with the top allocators ...

December 21, 2016

Available M&A Positions
Presented by Talent Services of M&A Leadership Council

Are you qualified? We have opportunities for an Enterprise Acquisition/Executive Director and Program Management Software Solution Super-User, please take a look at the listings to see if you qualify and contact Talent Services of M&A Leadership Council today ..