M&A Blog and News

January 24, 2017

Global M&A Deal Leaks Go Up
Submitted by Intralinks, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

In the days leading up to a bid announcement, significant trading in the shares of the target company can indicate information is leaking about the deal.  While not providing absolute confirmation of a leak...

January 24, 2017

Sixth Annual Private Equity US Forum Hosted by Markets Group
Provided by Markets Group

Markets Group will host the Sixth Annual Private Equity US Forum on March 16 and 17 in New York City. The Forum brings together the leading illiquid alternative allocators including pensions, foundations, endowments, family wealth, investment consultants ...

January 24, 2017

Global M&A Roundup for Q1-Q4 of 2016
Submitted by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

Global dealmakers were forced to navigate a sea of change during 2016, as the populist vote swept across the global political stage. Despite a series of political shockwaves, global M&A activity (17,369 deals, US$ 3.2tn) managed to reach its third highest deal value since ...

January 18, 2017

During a client engagement a few years ago, we presented the company’s executive staff with the rationale and strategy for a comprehensive process for tracking and measuring integration results. After the meeting, the vice president in charge of merger integration teased us for “messing up a pretty comfortable arrangement.” “Until now,” he explained, “our executive team and I have had a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy between us….I don’t ask what the next deal will be and they don’t ask me how this one is going.” Here’s a toast to simpler times – may the memories be pleasant.

January 11, 2017

There’s an old saying in the M&A business, “Bad planning and execution will kill a good deal every time, but the best diligence and integration will never save a bad deal.” For valid reasons, there’s so much attention placed on failure factors in due diligence and integration that the role of deal strategy in overall M&A success or failure is easy to overlook. The reality is that there are just as many strategy-related failure factors.  Here’s one of the most important to be vigilant about:

January 4, 2017

Trivia question: What’s the hardest type of transaction/integration you’ve been involved with? When we survey executives around the country with this question, very often the answers include: spin-offs, carve-outs and divestitures. This may surprise many, but not if you’ve done this type of deal before. The dynamics, risks and challenges of this type of deal are unique and among the more difficult we encounter.

Let me illustrate:

December 21, 2016

Today, I want to discuss some practical reminders of what everyone in the M&A integration community already knows to be the gospel truth, but often fails to execute as well as intended – communications.

December 21, 2016

Chairman's Message, December 2016
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council 

I can’t believe that 2016 has already come and gone. I would like to thank the more than 250 M&A professionals who attended our training programs this year.  Next year we are upping our game with ...