M&A Blog and News

April 24, 2018

M&A Positions Available
Submitted by M&A Leadership Council Talent Services Division 

Are you looking to expand your M&A knowledge base? Our partner, M&A Partners have several positions open.  Take a look and see if you are right for the job!

April 24, 2018

Global M&A Roundup for Q1
Submitted by MergerMarket/Acuris, a partner of the M&A Leadership Council 

Mergermarket, an Acuris company, has released its Global M&A roundup for the first quarter (Q1) of 2018, including its league tables of financial advisors, and it’s very promising! The extraordinary surge in dealmaking seen at the end of 2017 has carried through into 2018 as global M&A hit its highest Q1 value on Mergermarket record (since 2001) 

April 3, 2018

Every organization must address the human element of cybersecurity.
Submitted by Willis Towers Watson, a partner organization of the M&A Leadership Council

Willis Towers Watson recently analyzed data from 225 cyber insurance claims it reported on behalf of clients in 2017. The resulting Reported Claims Index revealed that HR leaders must take an active role in cyber security: 58% of claims last year were directly attributable to employee negligence and/or malfeasance. 

March 28, 2018

Denying or delaying change can cause significant deal value erosion.
By Jack Prouty, President of the M&A Leadership Council

Even if the near-term changes will be relatively minor, your message needs to be, "There will be change within both organizations. We will effectively communicate changes and be smart about it, etc." Effective mergers and acquisitions are all about managing people through the change process.

March 28, 2018

Time and again, research demonstrates that effective culture assessment and management drive better integration results. Yet most organizations fail to sufficiently address culture, leaving them vulnerable to deal value erosion. By incorporating culture assessment into every phase of the M&A deal cycle, your organization can maximize deal value by choosing Targets more effectively. The earlier companies identify cultural issues that might impact valuation, the earlier they can mitigate or eliminate issues and design appropriate solutions. 

March 22, 2018

Forums will offer insights on M&A opportunities, trends and challenges.
Submitted by Mergermarket, an M&A Leadership Council partner organization

Two upcoming forums hosted by Mergermarket will dive into the latest developments in M&A, along with providing a platform to meet with industry leaders.

March 22, 2018

Deal teams must understand implications for the due diligence and transaction processes.
By Tom Allen of Midaxo,an M&A Leadership Council partner organization

On May 25th, 2018, the major data privacy legislation known as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect. GDPR introduces substantial changes to existing European Union privacy laws and provides a regulatory framework for the treatment of personal data belonging to EU citizens. Given the linkage between personal data exchange and M&A transaction activity, teams engaged in deal making need to understand the implications to their due diligence and transaction processes.

March 22, 2018

Focusing on a few key areas will ensure a successful transaction.
By Mary Chico, Director of Mergers and Acquisitions for Willis Towers Watson, an M&A Leadership Council partner organization

I was recently at a conference featuring a CEO who had just completed a corporate spin-off. He was asked what, if anything, he would have done differently. His response? “More decision-making; much earlier.” His answer was pretty telling, and aligned with what I’ve seen through our experiences helping hundreds of clients through mergers, acquisitions and divestitures of all types.