M&A Blog and News

March 22, 2018

Here's a look at navigating national security regulations in the data economy.
Submitted by BDO, an M&A Leadership Council partner organization

Dynamic compliance strategies have become an imperative in deal consideration for foreign direct investment (FDI) in critical infrastructure as the United States seeks to modernize the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) review process, protect national security from emerging risk, and maintain an open investment policy. The rapidly shifting global economy, disruptive innovation, dual-use technologies, and the weaponization of information have become an unrelenting combination of force stimulating change and creating risk as billions of dollars of foreign investment surge into the U.S. economy.

March 22, 2018

The US political climate could impact deal activity in the near term.
Submitted by Mergermarket, an M&A Leadership Council partner organization

First few sentences of the article.

March 21, 2018

Attendees from past workshops learned that success is truly in the details.
By Jack Prouty, President of the M&A Leadership Council

Our executive training program The Art of M&A Program Management doesn’t just focus on the details, like what should be included in team status reports and how to establish functional meeting cadences. It places M&A program management in the greater context of the priorities and objectives at each stage in the M&A life cycle.

March 7, 2018

Addressing biases can lead to a more productive workplace.
By Michelle L. Davis, DBH, M.Ed., MA, LPC, President, HealthWise Consultants

We all make thousands of decisions every day, but often we are not aware of how biases can negatively impact that decision-making. Our biases range from stereotyping to confirmation bias, where our brains actually filter out information that doesn't support our already-held beliefs. Behavioral biases can have far-reaching impact in the M&A environment. 

March 6, 2018

Today it’s an honor to provide a few brief examples of senior executives who have put their convictions into practice in order to get post-merger staffing and talent selection right. While these essential aspects of post-merger integration often get overlooked, we believe getting the organization set and the talent decisions right are imperative to achieve integration strategy and deal value-capture.

February 27, 2018

This issue includes a special feature on the Americas.
Submitted by BDO, an M&A Leadership Council partner organization

Each quarter BDO’s Mergers & Acquisitions team analyses global deal activity across a number of regions and selected sectors around the world; we offer you a satellite view of how the M&A market is evolving - and where it appears to be heading. 

February 26, 2018

IT plays an important role in every M&A deal, so it's critical to address technology issues as early as possible.
By John Sinkus, Senior Advisor for M&A Partners, an M&A Leadership Council partner organization

According to Mergermarket, in 2017 the technology sector saw its highest deal count since 2001.* Experts predict that this trend toward technology acquisition will continue for 2018. Yet even M&A teams that aren't acquiring tech firms must play close attention to technology used by the target fir, as often the greatest M&A deal value risk involves technology in some form or fashion. These three lessons will help keep your team from making expensive technology-related mistakes during your next deal.

February 26, 2018

Knowing how to effectively evaluate deals is essential to corporate venturing activity
By Tom Allen, M&A Expertise and Content Lead for Midaxo, an M&A Leadership Council partner organization

The impetus for corporate venturing is obvious: a corporation’s investment in startup companies can create new means to drive growth, financial return and advance strategic priorities.Generating valuable growth for shareholders, whether in the present or future, requires that companies clearly understand their strategy and operational capabilities.