M&A Blog and News

July 24, 2016

Some Interesting M&A Data
Contributed by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Mergermarket has released its Global M&A roundup for the first half (H1) of 2016, including its league tables for financial advisors. Take a look at the report HERE!  A few key findings include:....

July 20, 2016

You’ve heard the old one-liner about the two things you never want to see being made. The first is sausage. The other is legislation. Or, in our case, M&A methodology.

July 20, 2016

In spite of all the talk about the importance of retaining key talent during M&A, surprisingly few organizations get this mission critical objective right. A while back, I heard the allegedly true story of how one Fortune 50 acquirer lost a nationally known key executive from a just-acquired company. Amid the typical post-closing chaos, the buyer just couldn’t seem to make key decisions.

July 13, 2016

Years ago, a client pinpointed the M&A readiness challenge: “Once the deal took off, our team never caught up.” Admittedly, anyone in the M&A business has had the experience of chasing a speeding train down the tracks after it had already left the station. If you are like me, you vowed never to do that again.

July 6, 2016

The CEO of a major client caught me off guard a while back with a profoundly simple, yet incredibly complex question: “What are the two most important principles for integration success?”

Admittedly, I had to fight the urge to respond flippantly with some blather about “communications, synergies and getting the people issues right.” All of these are correct, of course, and extremely important, but none of these rose to the level this executive was asking for.

June 29, 2016

The media has been ablaze recently with the dramatic news about the termination of the $35 billion “merger of equals” between global advertising, media and communications leaders Publicis Groupe SA and Omnicom Group, Inc. In glaring front page and “above-the-fold” headlines, The Wall Street Journal proclaimed on April 26, “Clashes Over Power Threaten $35 Billion Ad Agency Merger,” and finally on May 9, “Merger of Ad Giants Scuttled.”

June 29, 2016

Chairman’s Message, June 2016
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council

I’m happy to announce that companies who have an exceptionally difficult acquisition in the pipeline or those who are embarking on M&A for the first time can now receive in-house “Just-In-Time” training for their M&A teams. That’s right... 

June 29, 2016

Resources Available to Help You and Your Company Handle the Transition
Contributed by Baker & McKenzie, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Following the news of the recent EU referendum, Baker & McKenzie has made available some important resources to help support you and your team through the coming weeks.  On B&M’s new website is a Brexit webpage with blog articles, a webinar, multiple downloads and contact details for their Brexit team......