M&A Blog and News

June 15, 2016

What’s the riskiest day in the life of every deal? We are often asked this, and the answer may surprise you. I’ll be the first to acknowledge there are some diverse opinions on this question, depending on which part of the “M&A elephant” you are looking at. Whatever your personal opinion, however, be careful, because as the old saying goes, “bad news often comes in threes.”

"These are career-limiting, brand-damaging risks that are often very difficult or impossible to fully recover from.”

June 1, 2016

You’ve probably heard me quote my friend, mentor and former client, Jeff Hemmer, many times in the past, and with good reason. As an executive for a major acquirer and veteran integration leader on multiple large acquisitions, joint ventures and mergers, he knows what he is talking about. In fact, his priceless insight on the importance of getting post-merger organization design and staffing decisions right has been shared with countless executive teams over the years, and it’s still as true (and important) today as ever before.

May 30, 2016

Chairman's Message, May 2016
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council

Too often, deals break up because the buyer approaches the seller with the wrong headset and attitude during discussions, negotiations and due diligence.  However, as my friend Jack Prouty would say, “we need to be selling us” at the same time ....

May 30, 2016

For Immediate Release

BOSTON and DALLAS, May 24, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Midaxo, the leader in mergers & acquisitions (M&A) software, and M&A Partners, a leading consulting firm that helps companies build internal M&A ... 

May 30, 2016

M&A Success or Failure is Determined by Delivery of Projected Synergies
Contributed by Intralinks, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Intralinks has partnered with author, director and speaker Danny A. Davis to discuss the challenges and best practices involved in delivering synergies in post-merger integration .... 

May 30, 2016

JUNE 10, 2016 at 2PM EDT / 11AM PDT
Presented by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Several pharma companies have suffered in 2016 as disputes with pharmacy benefit managers and health insurers - as well as public backlash - over drug prices have hit balance sheets. While most attention has...

May 30, 2016

Corporate Email Isn't Glamorous, but It's Critical -- and Made More Challenging by The Cloud
By Vadim Gringolts, CTO, Binary Tree, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Corporate email is as critical of an IT application as any other, albeit frequently overlooked in favor of more glamorous and resource-consuming ones.....

May 30, 2016

Some Interesting M&A Data
Provided by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

SPORTS 'n STATS:  This month Mergermarket contributes observations on how sports are changing with the increasing use of wearable technology, sabermetrics, and the analysis of statistics and physiology to optimize performance.....