M&A Blog and News

September 29, 2015

WEBINAR: Overcoming Change Fatigue
Join the Conversation in This Webinar by Ketchum Change

Dynamic business environments and constant change are the new normal for organizations. And we all know this trend will only accelerate.  Join our interactive webinar to hear about our proprietary Liquid ChangeSM study, gain insights on how change impacts employees, and discuss how leadership behaviors, corporate culture and organizations' operating systems can better adapt by becoming more "liquid" to succeed in today's marketplace.

September 29, 2015

An Excerpt from "The Employee Handbook for Navigating Mergers and Acquisitions"
by Mitchell Lee Marks

Once the merger or acquisition receives legal approval the two sides can join forces and prepare to combine.  There will be some preliminary planning done between the Announcement and Close to prepare for putting the two organizations together...

September 29, 2015

Some Interesting M&A Data
Provided by Mergermarket

A new report from Firmex data rooms in partnership with Mergermarket entitled Mid-market: The Crux of North American M&A, reveals a healthy outlook for North American mid-market M&A activity, particularly from the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) sector. 

September 29, 2015

Seeking to Fill M&A Positions

Are you or someone you know ready for a new role in the M&A field?  Please take a look at these positions and submit your resume to [email protected]; the Council will forward best candidates to the pertinent company.

August 27, 2015

Chairman's Message, August 2015
by Jim Jeffries, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council

The requirements for successful merger integration are often counterintuitive to most business practices and tenets. And, so it is when most companies discard the talent they just purchased and lay the added responsibility for integration on the backs of the personnel who are also responsible for running the business.

August 27, 2015

The Secret for M&A Value Capture that’s Right in Your Own Backyard
by Jack Prouty, President, M&A Leadership Council

If you knew where 40% of the success potential for your M&A were buried, would you look for it? Of course you would – and the great news is that you can actually uncover it right now, within your own team.

August 27, 2015
An Interview with M&A HR Experts
Contributions by Moira Donoghue and Len Gray
How pivotal are culture, change and talent to the successful outcome of an M&A? Jim Jeffries, Chairman of the M&A Leadership Council, recently met with Moira Donoghue and Len Gray to discuss HR in mergers and acquisitions for the upcoming HR event in Dallas.  Moira and Len are both former M&A business leaders and senior consultants at Mercer.
August 27, 2015

An Excerpt from "The Employee Handbook for Navigating Mergers and Acquisitions"
by Mitchell Lee Marks

In a merger or acquisition, some uncertainty will reign as your organization is no longer what it was, but not yet what it intends to be. People are not sure how and where they fit in, largely because the organization has yet to settle into place and a new culture emerges. Systems and ....