M&A Blog and News

February 25, 2017

Energy & Technology Forums
Presented by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

At the recent USD 50 per barrel (bbl) range, oil has roughly doubled its 13-year low set earlier in 2016. Short run stability in market equilibrium is in large thanks to tightening production from US producers and OPEC ... 

February 25, 2017

Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor for Q2 2017
Provided by Intralinks, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

Are protectionist attitudes going to hit the M&A market in 2017? Find out in the latest Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor, our independently verified forecast of future M&A. Also in this special protectionism edition ... 

February 25, 2017

Overlooked Resources Are Often IT
By William Blandford, Managing Director at Blandford Associates and Member of the Board of M&A Standards

When a large company acquires a small company, one of the more overlooked resources and possibly the most valuable player (MVP) in achieving synergies as quickly as possible is the IT person of the company being acquired...

February 25, 2017

Quality Shines Through as M&A Deal Volumes Fall Globally
Provided by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

The global M&A market continues to be a strategic driver of corporate growth, as executives seek to create greater value for their organisations in challenging economic times. This document summarises the year ... 

February 25, 2017

Define and Communicate a Clear Integration Project Plan
Submitted by Midaxo

Post-merger integration requires resolute action. A digital M&A platform makes it easy to define and communicate a clear integration project plan and track its completion. In this article we'll run an integration project, following these 4 steps:

February 25, 2017

Sixth Annual Private Equity US Forum Hosted by Markets Group
Provided by Markets Group

Markets Group: 200+ LPs, venture and private equity funds from the US will meet in NYC to discuss major allocations in 2017 New York, NY, January 17, 2017 -- Markets Group will host the ...

February 25, 2017

US & Global Private Equity Investment Activity
Submitted by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

Mergermarket  has created infographics highlighting 2016’s global private equity investment activity with an additional in-depth focus on US portfolio companies. Both provide snapshots of PE investment activity with an emphasis on several topics including: buyout and ...

February 22, 2017

(Third in a Series on Change Management)