M&A Blog and News

April 26, 2017

(Seventh in a Series on Culture)

I saw a report from well-known industry analyst recently that said essentially this. “The primary cause of the (“ABC/XYZ”) merger failure was cultural incompatibility. XYZ, the TargetCo, historically focused on quality first and price second. For ABC, the BuyerCo, everything they have always done was just the opposite and their insistence on extreme cost leadership destroyed XYZ’s business.”

April 25, 2017

Chairman’s Message
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman M&A Leadership Council ​ 

Many companies declare victory on the day of signing the letter of intent (LOI) but beyond that, “it’s just a matter of getting through the diligence!”  Whoa!  That’s the wrong headset.  The right headset heard from best acquirers is “our best acquisitions are the ones we never do ...

April 25, 2017

IT Integration vs. Rationalization
By Mark Herndon, President, M&A Partners, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

One of the common regrets we often hear from senior executives during surveys and internal M&A capability assessments is that they “throttled back” on integration efforts too quickly post-closing. Meaning, they achieved short-term integration success, such as we have previously defined as “steady-state ... 

April 25, 2017

An Essential Element in the M&A Due Diligence Process
By Nolan Willis, PMP, LSSBB - IT Due Diligence Leader, BDO, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Performing IT due diligence prior to a merger or acquisition has become an essential step to ensure better valuation, financial modeling, and risk mitigation. The primary objective of IT due diligence is to determine if there are insurmountable risks which could impact the transaction ...

April 25, 2017

Record High Levels of M&A Activity for Asia in Q1 but Muted Results Globally
Submitted by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

LONDON, 5th April, 2017 — The number of Asian M&A deals completed* in the first quarter of 2017 is the highest number deals in recent history** according to Willis Towers Watson’s Quarterly Deal Performance Monitor (QDPM). Asian acquirers completed 80 deals in Q1 ...

April 25, 2017

A Crucial Step Within M&A
By Shaun Crimmins with Midaxo

In the Mergers and Acquisitions landscape there is very little margin for error, which could explain why more deals fail than meet or exceed goals. The number of factors contributing to failed acquisitions is certainly a long list, and applies to every stage of ...

April 25, 2017

Maintaining Secrecy During the M&A Process
Submitted by Intralinks, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

As a deal gets going, bankers are tasked with choosing the M&A project name to try and maintain secrecy during the M&A process. So, which were the most popular in 2016? Intralinks shares the top 10 code names, here ... 

April 25, 2017

Global and Regional M&A: Q1 2017
​Provided by MergerMarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

Mergermarket has released its Global M&A roundup for the first quarter of 2017 (Q1), including its league tables for financial advisors. Take a look at the report HERE! And please make sure to take a look at some of the great charts breaking down the activity by sector, value, year-to-year...