IT Integration vs. Rationalization
By Mark Herndon, President, M&A Partners, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council
One of the common regrets we often hear from senior executives during surveys and internal M&A capability assessments is that they “throttled back” on integration efforts too quickly post-closing. Meaning, they achieved short-term integration success, such as we have previously defined as “steady-state operations,” (See: Getting Operational Cut-Over Right) but failed in many of the more important longer-term value-capture initiatives.
We believe at least part of the reason for this tendency, with respect to IT anyway, can be attributed to misunderstanding the important differences between IT integration and rationalization. To help address this challenge, I’d like to share part of a continuing conversation with my colleagues, John Sinkus and Doug Picirillo, whom I introduced last week. Briefly, John and Doug are two of our key IT due diligence and rationalization practice leaders at M&A Partners, and both are 30 year veterans of the IT and M&A sectors. When they speak, I listen -- and learn, so I thought you would be interested to hear what they had to say recently on this topic.
Read FULL article HERE.
NOTE: John Sinkus and Doug Picarillo of M&A Partners will be presenting at the May 23-24, Art of M&A for Business and IT Alignment, in Chicago for more information visit the TRAINING CALENDAR.