M&A Blog and News

March 31, 2016

April 5, 2016 @ 11:00AM PDT / 2:00PM EDT
Presented by M&A Leadership Council and Crunchr

"Are you in control?"  It's a hefty and legitimate question for HR professionals and others before, during and after a merger or acquisition takes place. Please join us for an in-depth conversation with ... 

March 31, 2016

Leveraging Stability and Employee Engagement for M&A Success
Contributed by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

In today’s highly active merger and acquisition (M&A) arena, many acquirers are recognizing that the period around a deal closing can be very challenging for employees, and also that stability and ....

March 31, 2016

A Report from Toppan Vite New York in Association with Mergermarket 
​Contributed by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Debt among non-financial US companies from 2008 to 2015 more than doubled, according to Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, as companies took advantage of historically low interest rates to borrow cheaply.....

March 31, 2016

Forums on Life Sciences/Healthcare, Technology and Energy 
Presented by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

These gatherings bring together dealmakers, industry leaders and technical experts to look at the state of specific sectors. Forum settings will provide keynote speakers, panel discussions, networking and more ....

March 31, 2016

Statistics Show Successful Outcomes are Linked to Consistent Best Practices
By Mark Herndon, President, M&A Partners, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Everyone says it all the time… “M&A is…a skill set …an enterprise competency…an organizational capability.”  We certainly believe that, and I’ll bet you do too. Common sense and practical experience (both good and bad!) have demonstrated time and again that you.... 

March 31, 2016

For Immediate Release

DALLAS, TX, March 1, 2016 - The Board of M&A Standards today announced that Alexandra Reed Lajoux, author and merger/acquisition executive, has accepted a seat on this advisory panel. Lajoux joins 12 other M&A professionals on the ....

March 31, 2016

Some Interesting M&A Data
Provided by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

A new report from Firmex in partnership with MergermarketMid-Market M&A: The Valuation Gap, reveals that amidst a valuation gap between buyers and sellers, corporate cash holdings and private equity dry powder remain at high levels and appetite for .....

March 18, 2016

The Value of Talent Selection Based on Capabilities & Personality Fit
By Jack Prouty, Past President, M&A Leadership Council

In an M&A, talent selection is important both rationally and emotionally. First of all, if none of the key management from the target company are named to appropriate roles in the combined organization it sends a message....