M&A Blog and News

November 15, 2018

(Fifth in a series of posts about doing HR M&A right. The previous one is Due Diligence: It's Not Just About Liabilities Anymore.)

November 13, 2018

4 Critical Steps HR Leaders Should Consider Before Embarking on a Successful Integration
Submitted by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of the M&A Leadership Council 

So, the boss just told you that your company has entered into an agreement to buy another company. The transaction is expected to close in 60 days, and you need to prepare to bring all the people onto your systems and programs.

October 28, 2018

(Fourth in a series of posts about doing HR M&A right. The previous one is Designing Your HR Model for Integration Success.)

October 28, 2018

Making Training the New Tradition
by Jim Jeffries, Chairman of the M&A Leadership Council

After all these years, the ability of most organizations to quickly and effectively digest mergers and acquisitions remains fragile, risky and evasive. Even the biggest and brightest companies must admit that the majority of transactions failed to deliver on the promises made when the deal was crafted.

October 28, 2018

Global & Regional M&A Report
Submitted by Mergermarket, an Acuris Company and partner of the M&A Leadership Council

Mergermarket, an Acuris company, has released its Global M&A roundup for Q1 – Q3 of 2018, including its financial advisors league tables, and Q3 saw subdued M&A activity as growing geopolitical tensions, trade wars and protectionism dampened spirits and caused corporates to pause over the summer.


September 26, 2018

Race for Poke Bowl Dominace
By Dayna Fields with Mergermarket/Acuris, a partner of the M&A Leadership Council

The race for global dominance among Hawaiian-inspired poke bowl restaurants is heating up as major players emerge and attract interest from both buyers and sellers, industry executives say.

September 26, 2018

High Performance Integration
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman of The M&A Leadership Council and a member of the Board of M&A Standards

When I established my consulting organization in hopes of improving the Integration practices of corporate buyers, extensive research made it clear that poor results in mergers and acquisitions were because of the lack of one or more key elements.

September 25, 2018

Do You Have Executive Commitment in M&A or Just Some High-Level Involvement?
By Jack Prouty, President of the M&A Leadership Council

Have you heard the story of the chicken and the pig?

The chicken comes and visits the pig and in conversation says, “you know Farmer Brown has been great to all of us animals and I think we should do something for him.” The pig says, “I agree, what do you propose?” The chicken says, “I think we should fix him breakfast. ..."