M&A Blog and News

January 23, 2019

The Biggest Challenges for HR in Mergers and Acquisitions
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman of the M&A Leadership Council

A couple of weeks ago, I attended our training program for Human Resource executives and had a chance to do a quick interview with 3 of our presenters: a global HR specialist, an attorney specializing in cross-border M&A and an HR specialist for post-merger integration. I asked each of them what they saw as the biggest challenges in their respective arena.  Here is what they had to say:

January 11, 2019

Dealmaking Continued at an Encouraging Rate
Submitted by Acuris, a partner of the M&A Leadership Council 

Mergermarket, an Acuris company, has released its Global M&A roundup for 2018, including its financial advisors league tables, and with so many market-moving factors fluctuating throughout the year, mergers and acquisitions have understandably had a somewhat ambivalent 2018.

December 26, 2018

The World of Change
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman of M&A Leadership Council

The digital age has arrived and companies will have to continuously rethink their strategies and adjust their assets, business models and overall focus as the environment around them changes. Never has there been a more critical time to build core competencies and capabilities around Mergers

December 14, 2018

For a majority of M&A transactions, the ultimate driver of meeting goals and objectives relies on human performance against deal objectives. Whether the financial goal of the deal involves leveraging people synergies or expanding teams to support new growth, HR plays a significant role. For this reason, HR can greatly affect capturing deal value. First we must broaden our view of deals by not looking strictly at financials, but from a wider perspective that factors in what truly drive financials – primarily, people and productivity.

December 13, 2018

Acuris Relocates to the Heart of New York City in Times Square
Submitted by Acuris, a partner of the M&A Leadership Council 

Acuris Relocates to the heart of New York City in Times Square BC Partners and GIC‐backed provider of global news, data, research and analysis now resides at 1501 Broadway, formerly the Paramount building.  

November 15, 2018

Weighing the Benefits of Selling a Company In or Out of Bankruptcy
By David Berliner with BDO, a partner of the M&A Leadership Council

While the economy has been expanding in 2018, the sizable number of bankruptcy filings reflect shifting consumer preferences, continued technology disruption, rising competition, and the decision to take on too much debt. 

November 15, 2018

Smart Moves: Managing the Enterprise Portfolio
by Jim Jeffries, Chairman of the M&A Leadership Council

In past decades, corporate executive teams focused on organic growth as the single method for creating value for their shareholders. In the 1980s a new wave of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) swept into the boardrooms globally.

November 15, 2018

Details on Red Hat/IBM
Submitted by Mergermarket, an Acuris Company and partner of the M&A Leadership Council

Following IBM’s announcement that it will be acquiring open source enterprise software maker Red Hat for USD 33bn, Mergermarket, an Acuris company, sheds some light on deal activity within the computer software space: