M&A Blog and News

October 19, 2016

Now the bad news! Last week we asked the question, “If your CEO or Chairman of the Board called you out of the blue and said, “We have to get better at M&A integration. What are the most important priority improvements we need to make to have the biggest impact on business results?”

October 12, 2016

This article is the third in our series on culture. Please be sure to read Pre-Deal Cultural Due Diligence and Exploring the "Cultural Iceberg" Model.

October 5, 2016

One of the first questions we routinely ask clients when initially ramping up a due diligence effort or pre-integration planning phase is “Where is IT?” Specifically, we are getting at key principles of success that dictate getting senior-level IT pros involved in an early and comprehensive IT due diligence effort. Surprisingly, many organizations have learned the importance of this lesson the hard way.

September 28, 2016

At its core, M&A integration is about leading organizations and people through change. The better you are at leading change, the more effective you will be at M&A. Don’t believe me? Check out Change Management Effectiveness Drives Results, which references three highly credible studies that clearly and convincingly demonstrate this key point. Namely, if you are going to do M&A as a growth strategy, you simply must get good at change.

September 21, 2016

Chairman's Message, September 2016
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council

Getting at the culture fit of two companies is difficult, to say the least. There is little a buyer can do in terms of formal assessments prior to close, but there are ways to shape the “go, no-go” decision from a... 

September 21, 2016

Important Opportunities and Risks in M&A Derived from Bundling These Services
Contributed by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Over the last 30 years, mergers and acquisitions have consistently shaped the telecoms, media and technology (TMT) competitive landscape. The current opportunities derived from ‘convergence’...

September 21, 2016

Defining Universal Components of a "Diligence Dream Team"
Contributed by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Thorough preparation, effective team organization and clear communication are the driving factors behind successful due diligence. However, defining the universal components of a so-called “diligence dream team” is difficult as no two teams — or deals — are alike....

September 21, 2016

Fundamentals of M&A: An Excerpt from The Art of M&A Book Series
By Kenneth Smith and Alexandra Reed Lajoux

A major merger or acquisition can be a company-defining moment.  On the one hand, the right business combination at the right price, with good execution, can reposition the company, accelerate profitable...