M&A Blog and News

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M&A Leadership Council training
November 25, 2016

Available M&A Positions
Presented by Talent Services of M&A Leadership Council

Are you qualified? We have several opportunities for M&A Integration Leads and M&A Senior Project Managers, please take a look at the listings to see if you qualify and contact Talent Services of M&A Leadership Council today ...

November 23, 2016

(Second in a Series on Change Management)

Early in my career, our firm was engaged to lead the acquisition integration of two dominant and highly competitive peer companies. A significant amount of headcount synergies, facility closures and product rationalization was fundamental to the deal economics. Our announcement-day change and communications plans were prepared, polished and presented without a hitch.

November 16, 2016

Before you skip over this post thinking it’s just about communications, please refer back to a very important discussion on this subject: The Riskiest Day.

October 29, 2016

Steps Organizations Can Take to Maximize Chances for Success
Contributed by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Spin-offs — corporate transactions in which business units separate from their parent company to become independent entities — are increasingly popular as companies reexamine their business strategies and search for additional ways to boost shareholder returns ...

October 29, 2016

Handling Upheaval
Contributed by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

The Brexit referendum on June 23 kicked off a season of significant political events across the globe, including the unpredictable US election. As dealmakers gear up for the busy year-end period, how are these events affecting the M&A environment ...

October 29, 2016

Fundamentals of M&A: An Excerpt from The Art of M&A Book Series
By Alexandra Reed Lajoux 

Aren't such acquisitions usually for investment purposes only? How can integration occur? Any time a company depends on a source of capital – whether debt or equity capital – that source will have an influence.  If the provider of the capital is an operating company in a related industry ...

October 29, 2016

The 6 Things that Make You Look Great
Contributed by Intralinks, A Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

What makes a company an attractive M&A target? In a study with Cass Business School in London – the first of its kind – Intralinks examined 23 years of data from almost 34,000 companies worldwide to find the answer.  We found six vital signs you should be aware of to make a company ...


October 29, 2016

Momentum Maintained on Mega Deals
Contributed by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

LONDON, 25 September 2016 – European M&A activity picked up in the third quarter with the number of deals completed, on track to reach a five-year high by the end of the year according to the latest Willis Towers Watson’s Quarterly Deal Performance Monitor (QDPM).