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Spot Cyber & IT Challenges Through Improved Due Diligence

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Insights & Advice: An Interview with Two Experts
By Mark Herndon, Chairman Emeritus, M&A Leadership Council 

Cybersecurity and IT due diligence has become one of the most challenging, and also one of the most critical areas of due diligence in any environment. The risks of brand damage, customer churn, and substantial costs have brought this topic to the forefront in.......

M&A Software Leaders Unite to Discuss the Impacts of M&A Software Solutions on Achieving ROI

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Stack the Deck in Your Favor
By Mark Herndon, Chairman of the M&A Leadership Council 

If you compare M&A results over the last 20 years, you’ll notice the data has barely changed. Between 50 and 70% of all deals underperform their original business objectives. Facing this very real risk, what can businesses do to improve their odds? 

Carving-out a Corporate Asset to a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC)

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Chairman’s Message – March 2021
By Mark Herndon, Chairman of the M&A Leadership Council 

Over the last two years, special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) have dominated the IPO market. According to BusinessInsider, 219 SPACs raised $73B in new IPOs during 2020 alone. 

Harvard Business Review Release

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What M&A Looks Like During the Pandemic
By Mark Herndon of the M&A Leadership Council and John Bender of M&A Partners

When Covid-19 first began its impact on the US economy, M&A Leadership Council partnered with M&A Partners to do a survey - the results of which were recently published in Harvard Business Review. 

Good Gets in the Way of Great

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Hero Driven M&A vs. Well-Performed M&A
by Jack Prouty, President of M&A Leadership Council 

In our Art of M&ASM training programs, the number one challenge listed by attendees is securing resources for the M&A effort. Specifically, there are not enough of them; they are untrained or unqualified; or they lack dedicated staff because MA&D is treated as a part-time job in addition to their normal job. Why does this continue to be such a major issue?

M&A Competency: A Business Imperative

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Building In-House Competencies for Acquisition Growth
By Jack Prouty, President of M&A Leadership Council

Eight years ago, Jim Jeffries and I started the M&A Leadership Council to give back by sharing our M&A expertise with the business community through our public M&A training programs and other avenues, such as the M&A Monthly. We thought initially the draw would be with midsize companies who had no experience in M&As.

Do No Harm! Really?

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Denying or delaying change can cause significant deal value erosion.
By Jack Prouty, President of the M&A Leadership Council

Even if the near-term changes will be relatively minor, your message needs to be, "There will be change within both organizations. We will effectively communicate changes and be smart about it, etc." Effective mergers and acquisitions are all about managing people through the change process.

The Business of Love - Dating App M&A Data and Stats

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The global dating app market has been most active recently in China and Europe.
Submitted by Mergermarket, an M&A Leadership Council partner organization

Dating apps have increased in number, approach and popularity consistently for years now. They are no longer a niche area of the technology sector, but a driving force in M&A, finance and the tech industry in general.

Missing Links in M&A

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No matter the number of case studies one researches or the number of consultants one talks with, the statistics have remained the same for the last two decades. The majority of well-intentioned mergers fail to achieve the expectations set by management at the announcement. Interestingly enough, the reason for such dismal results is that past emphasis and energy has been placed on analysis and negotiation of the deal and seldom on how to actually deliver the value.