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What Does Your Approach to M&A Integration Strategy Look Like?

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Before Launching Your Next Integration Take a Good Look
by Mark Herndon, Chairman Emeritus, M&A Leadership Council 

​It’s not a trick question: “How do you know you're ready to launch integration planning?” Our answer? Not until you’ve done THIS – created a comprehensive Integration Strategy Framework (ISF). 

Consequences of Inadequate Strategic Guidance for Integration

Submitted by superuser on

What Happens When Executives Fail to Provide Enough Direction
By Mark Herndon, President, M&A Partners, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Have you ever heard the phrase “put the moose on the table?” That’s a humorous way of saying it’s time for a group to finally deal with the big, hairy issue everyone’s been putting off. A consultant friend and mentor of mine has an even better way....