M&A Blog and News

Blog Posts, News and Articles

Learn from diverse experts across the world of mergers and acquisitions

M&A Leadership Council training
July 29, 2014

Serving the M&A Community - Seeking M&A Integration Consultants

Keep those resumes coming. 
M&A is very active right now and there are many positions to be filled.

July 29, 2014

Mergermarket has released its Global M&A trend report for the first half (H1) of 2014, including its league tables for financial advisors.

July 23, 2014

Apply an M&A CommunicationsTool Created for Distribution by Company Leaders

July 7, 2014

Two reports bring clarity to the upswing in activity the M&A community has been experiencing, and both are highly recommended reading if you haven’t already seen these.

June 27, 2014

THE ART OF M&A LEADERSHIP (Second of 2 parts)

5 Basic Protocols that Can Determine Success or Failure in M&A

Possibly the most critical element in the integration process is speed. The speed at which the integration of two companies is completed is the single most important predictor of success and is directly proportional to the amount of synergies (dollars) captured.

June 27, 2014

The Purchase Price Allocation
Analyze Early to Avoid Future Earnings Surprises

June 27, 2014

The Benefits of Tracking Impact
and Sources of Resistance to Measuring Progress

by Mitchell Lee Marks, PhD
San Francisco State University


June 27, 2014

Serving the M&A Community - Seeking M&A Integration Consultants

Many thanks to those of you who have taken advantage of this Career Opportunities section of the M&A Monthly.  We’re happy to announce that the past two months have been successful with placements of the right talent into the right situations.  Please continue to request resources or provide your resume in confidence.  Thank you, and all the best.