Acquisitions are tough. Achieving full deal value is even harder. Half to two-thirds of all acquisitions fail to achieve their anticipated deal value. Reasons for these unfortunate outcomes include problems integrating the two parties involved, resulting in culture clashes that could have been mitigated. Culture issues consistently rate as a key source of deal failure. And although every transaction is different, deals primarily focus on protecting and enhancing value while minimizing risk. Based on data from over 10 million employees worldwide (and our analysis), we share the 12 most critical employee experience factors to consider during a deal. We will show you how to use these insights to unlock deal value and to:
- Set specific employee experience priorities based on deal goals
- Define areas of cultural integration risk
- Focus the efforts of the integration teams on the areas of the highest impact
Presenting Faculty:
Jill Havely
Jill, a Managing Director at WTW, serves as the Head of Global Community Excellence for WTW’s Employee Experience business. For more than 30 years, she has advised companies during the most complex people and transformative business issues. She is particularly passionate about helping companies grow through their people and brings this energy and innovation to her thought and business leadership.
Craig Keller
Craig is the Global Employee Engagement Lead within WTW’s M&A team, and the company’s Global Head of Change Management. He advises Fortune Global 500® clients, spanning industries and verticals, during times of change, delivering change management strategies and developing enterprise-wide solutions and communications to drive strategic business transformations at significant scale.