Jim Jeffries is the founder and CEO of M&A Leadership Council. He has been leading national and international consulting companies, private equity and M&A (mergers and acquisitions) for 30 years, during which time he completed three corporate turnarounds.
In the last 15 years, the Council has trained over 7,000 corporate executives from over 800 companies in the Art of M&A. His organization launched a highly sought-after certification program for executives and companies involved in Mergers and Acquisitions. Jim also serves on the Board of M&A Standards as its Chairman and serves on the Capital Expert Registry™ to provide expertise in M&A related legal matters. He has been quoted extensively in USA Today for his expertise and opinions on various merger and acquisition strategies and has been quoted as an authority in multiple releases of “The Art of M&A” book series published by McGraw Hill. He has been a consultant and confidant to many Fortune 1000 C-level executives and has provided advice on M&A valuations of more than $30 billion. Jim desires to continue interacting with C-level executives and boards for acquisitive or soon-to-be-acquisitive companies and giving back to the M&A community in all ways possible.
Specialties: M&A Strategy, Due Diligence, Integration and Corporate Turn-arounds.