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Chairman’s Message – January 2021
By Mark Herndon, Chairman of the M&A Leadership Council

Welcome to M&A in 2021, everyone – it will be a very interesting year!

In addition to our excellent educational content and fantastic Alumni community helping you get every aspect of M&A right in your organization, we are pleased to debut several important “can’t miss” webinars, including:

  • M&A Market Outlook – From Full Stop to Full Throttle! Joined by Tom Cane, Managing Editor, Mergermarket; and Lon Juricic, Founder / President / Editor-in-Chief,, this event will highlight the incredible M&A surge of late 2020 and provide insights and expert commentary about anticipated M&A activity going forward.
  • Delivering the ROI Promise of M&A Software. Join this distinguished panel of various “purpose-built” M&A software providers to learn from these industry leaders the essential requirements for defining your use case, selecting the right solution, configuration, and deployment. Most importantly, how can your organization stack the deck for ROI success from your purpose-built M&A software solution.
  • Lessons from the Deal Kings. Here is your chance to learn from some of the best-of-the-best acquirers. Those true “Deal Kings” that have completed multiple dozens, if not hundreds of deals and continue to chart the course of “how to do M&A with excellence and results.”

These outstanding online training programs are now available for registration:

  • The Art of M&A® - Executing Integration for Maximum Results, February 16-18. Based on and adapted from our highly recognized The Art of M&A® Program Management, this event provides a phase-by-phase analysis and walkthrough of 20 key decisions, events, processes, or milestones that every M&A executive or Integration Leader simply must get right every time!
  • The Art of M&A® - Integration Strategy and Change Management, March 9-11. Building on the February training program and based on our original and most popular course, The Art of M&A® Integration, this deep dive explores topical themes essential for M&A Executives and Integration Leaders to master. It will include Deal-Type DNA and developing the Integration Strategy Framework; People Issues and Organizational Risks; Getting Governance Right; Planning & Executing a Successful Day 1; Managing EX and CX through Communications and Change Management; and, Leading Culture Across the M&A Lifecycle.
  • The Art of M&A® for HR Leaders, April 6-8. This new and improved, popular training event for HR M&A leaders provides insights and applications for any functional or enterprise M&A leader wanting to gain more insight into topics including HR’s Strategic M&A Context; HR’s Role and Readiness; Essential Principles and Practices for HR Due Diligence and Integration; HR “Non-Negotiables; Dealing with the “Red-Box Issues” (e.g. those enterprise essentials including culture, communications, change management, talent and retention); and, Building and Staffing an HR M&A Center of Excellence.
  • The Art of M&A® Due Diligence, May 4-6. This essential training program won the banner in 2020 as our single BIGGEST draw of the year -- and no wonder! Participants learn the imperative requirements and insights of conducting all aspects of financial due diligence; how to conduct a full-scope HR diligence including financial, talent and organizational considerations. It will then do a deep dive on IT and cybersecurity due diligence.

Lastly, and like you, we are watching the COVID vaccination roll-out and public health situation daily and are eagerly waiting for the return of onsite M&A Leadership Council training events. Rest assured, we will continue to offer our fantastic content and deep subject matter faculty experts via BOTH online/remote and onsite as soon as safe for everyone.

See you at an upcoming event!

Very best regards,

Mark Herndon

Chairman, M&A Leadership Council