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The World of Change
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman of M&A Leadership Council

Did you know:

The world’s largest taxi company owns no vehicles?

The world’s most valuable retailer holds no inventory?

The largest accommodations provider has no real estate?

The world’s largest movie house owns no cinemas?

The fastest growing banks don’t have any actual money?

And did you know that only 70 companies from the Fortune 500 in 1955 still exist today? And nearly 2000 companies have come and gone since then. Corporate life expectancy was 75, years back in 1955 - today that expectancy is only 15 years.

The digital age has arrived and companies will have to continuously rethink their strategies and adjust their assets, business models and overall focus as the environment around them changes. Never has there been a more critical time to build core competencies and capabilities around Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures (MA&D). As I’ve stated many times in prior newsletters, the best acquirers have elevated their MA&D practices to the same level as their other fundamental business practices and tenets.

As we move into the new year, I hope each company reading this newsletter will decide to seriously invest in their key people by having them attend The Art of M&ASM training programs the council offers. We are kicking off 2019 with The Art of M&A for HR Leaders in Orlando January 15-16, followed by The Art of M&A Due Diligence in Scottsdale February 19-21.

I want to thank our 2018 attendees, presenters, CMAS candidates and specialists for another banner year. I look forward to seeing many of you again next year. 

Enjoy the Holidays,

Jim Jeffries

M&A Leadership Council