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You've probably felt the crunch caused by the current economic climate, which has led to corporate development and integration leaders being challenged like never before:

  • Boards and executive committees are more cautious
  • Cost of capital is dramatically higher
  • Regulators are applying greater scrutiny to large deals
  • Revenue and cost synergy plans have less tolerance for slippage and more urgency attached

Essentially, the directive is to "do integration better, faster, leaner” so you can achieve the value-capture your company strives to attain in each deal.

But this mandate might leave you and other corporate development and integration leaders wondering ......

Exactly how can I do this?

What if you had a direct path to collaborate with corporate acquirers from multiple sectors, along with highly experienced facilitating M&A practitioners, to jointly analyze, validate and document REAL SOLUTIONS to REAL CHALLENGES impacting business case results during integration? 


That path is what we've designed in our newest in-person offering:
 The Art of M&A® for Integration Leaders: Collaborative Forum


This first-ever event will be held March 21-23, 2023 in San Diego, and if you're an integration leader with at least one prior M&A course on integration and/or have completed at least one full prior integration, we invite you to join us. Rather than presenting a “grab-bag” of various M&A topics, this unique learning event will be laser-focused on proven, practical, and implementable solutions for helping acquirers at all skill levels hit their deal’s business case results faster and more reliably every time.

  • M&A Process Improvements: Principal Speed-to-Value Challenges and Obstacles
    • Achieving consistent alignment, focus and execution on the primary deal strategy value-drivers across the M&A lifecycle
    • Architecting the future state operating model and Integration Strategy Framework during the transition from due diligence through integration discovery
    • Overcoming other critical points of failure
  • Overcoming M&A Related Change & Resistance to Achieve Maximum Speed-to-Value
    • Customer Experience and Revenue Synergies
    • Employee Experience, Engagement and Alignment
    • Culture – Dealing Effectively with Culture Fault-Lines and Flashpoints
  • Learn with and From Outstanding Corporate Acquirers and Peers
    • “Spotlights on Success” – focused “mini-case studies” highlighting the breakthroughs and lessons learned for maximum Speed-to-Value
    • Panel Discussions leveraging the best insights and experiences from across industries, geographies and deal-types
  • One Irrefutable Truth: M&A Capability and Readiness Matters
    • The business case for M&A capability and readiness
    • From “Good-to-Great” – Assessing Your Next Frontier of Success
    • And much, much more!


Is The Collaborative Forum Right for Your Company?

Our conversations with dozens of corporate acquirers over the last few months have surfaced the need for the focused effort on “M&A Speed to Value: Integration Done Better, Faster, Leaner” in a wide variety of M&A use cases. While not exhaustive, we have heard similar needs expressed in these common M&A situations:

  • Highly experienced global acquirer, now executing a generational strategic transformation across all segments of their industry through an ongoing series of highly diverse, acquisitions and divestitures
  • Industry consolidator executing a fast-paced scale and scope expansion through rapid, serial and overlapping transactions
  • Dominant banking and financial services company now executing is largest-ever transaction
  • Software and technology companies always looking for strategic add-ons of code, intellectual property, features/functionality, and transformational solutions
  • And of course, many acquirers across many different industries with a hand-full of previously completed deals, but now focused on more significant and more rapid growth through acquisition


How Will This Event Benefit Participants and Their Companies?

Participants of this event will discuss, validate and identify applicable skills, experiences and insights to apply in current and future deals, including:

  1. Solve for the most challenging failure factors and root cause issues responsible for approximately 70% of deals that underachieve their intended business case.
  2. Learn and document new, upgraded, or innovative integration techniques focused on speed-to-value capture and be ready to immediately apply them at your own company after the event.
  3. Getting the most and the best out of your integration budget and resources through maximizing integration efficiency and leveraging the resources you have most effectively, whether FTEs, part-time/side-of-desk contributors or a world-class Center of Excellence.
  4. Align and accelerate the most important integration priorities necessary to accomplish each deal’s business case by earlier, faster, more effective use of the Integration Strategy Framework, Concept of Operations and Value-Driver Dashboard as mandatory components of the transition from due diligence to integration.
  5. Improve the methods, tools and insights needed to define and agree on future state operating model faster, with greater alignment, and less churn—enabling integration to proceed faster.
  6. And much, much more!


Want to Learn More or Be Involved With the Event?

Want to get involved by contributing to a panel discussion, mini-case study (Spotlight on Success) or helping to facilitate a small-group working session? We're so glad you asked!  

Not sure if "The Art of M&A® for Integration Leaders: Collaborative Forum" is right for you or your company? We can help. We know there is a wide range of experiences, functions, roles, current MA&D situations and prior coursework that qualify you to attend and participate in meaningful ways and get tremendous value from this event.

Let’s talk! Please contact: Mark Herndon, ([email protected] or 866.394.3690).