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Chairman’s Message – April 2020
By Mark Herndon, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council 

We are pleased to launch M&A Direct℠ -- your source for outstanding, online M&A professional development! Two tracks are going live in May to ensure you and your internal M&A teams have direct access to the relevant, value-added, and practical advice you’ve come to expect from the M&A Leadership Council. 

Debuting this month in our training series is our first online seminar, M&A Direct℠ Due Diligence, May 5-7. This course is adapted from our premier, onsite workshops that have been attended by over 4,000 executives from hundreds of companies in mainly every primary industry sector. More importantly, this course is taught by the same outstanding Partner organizations and subject experts as our onsite events and adapted to include virtual small group breakouts, open discussion, and packed with practical insights and lessons learned to help build your M&A effectiveness. Candidates for Certified M&A Specialist will earn 30 CMAS® credits for each course.

Also debuting this month in our continuing webinar series are two additional “must attend” events including:

  • May 12. Executing M&A Amidst Lockdown – Best Practices and Lessons Learned. This panel discussion featuring a distinguished M&A Leadership Council Alumni organization will demonstrate that, despite all obstacles, it is possible to complete due diligence, closing, Day 1, and effective target company engagement and alignment – in a completely virtual/remote mode Register here.
  • May 26. Acquiring Distressed Assets. In our recent pulse survey, Global M&A Reset: During and After the COVID-19 Storm, 49% of executives indicated they anticipated acquiring distressed assets. This panel discussion features a well-known M&A transaction lawyer deeply experienced in acquisitions, divestitures, restructurings, and financings along with comprehensively experienced transaction advisors to help you and your teams prepare for this critical and timely deal-type. Registration opening soon. 

We look forward to offering additional webinars, online seminars, and continuing our premier 3-day onsite events soon. In the meantime, thank you for your support of the corporate M&A community. As M&A practitioners, we are committed to helping you stay on the leading edge of our profession through a variety of education, certification, engagement, and development opportunities. 

Very best regards,

Mark Herndon

Chairman, M&A Leadership Council