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See How Your Region Will Perform in the Coming Months.
Submitted by Intralinks

How will your region’s M&A activity perform over the next six months? Find out – plus get a wealth of actionable market intelligence – in the current edition of the Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor.

In this edition you'll find:

  • Global and regional M&A predictions for Q1 2018 including heat maps on sector activity

  • A global snapshot of new, actionable buy-side and sell-side M&A opportunities

  • A spotlight feature on GDPR and its impact on M&A transactions

  • An interview with Noah Waisberg, CEO and Co-Founder of Kira Systems, and Chris Perram, CEO of FileFacets, on artificial intelligence and machine learning in M&A

The Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor forecasts the volume of future M&A announcements by tracking early-stage M&A activity – sell-side M&A transactions across the world that are in the preparation stage or have reached the due diligence stage. These early-stage deals are, on average, six months away from their public announcement. Get the report.