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The Growing Influence of Social Media and Deal Sourcing Networks on the M&A Industry
Submitted by Intralinks, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council 

In 2013, Intralinks conducted a global survey of M&A dealmakers to understand how technology and specialized deal networks influence M&A deal sourcing. Two years later, in December of 2015, Intralinks conducted a follow-up survey to measure how attitudes towards, and adoption of, these technologies have shifted over the last two years. Over 700 dealmakers from around the world participated in the survey. Highlights from the 2015 survey include:

  • Awareness of the Value of Online Deal Sourcing Is Growing 36% of respondents agreed with the statement that online deal sourcing will eventually revolutionize the M&A industry - in 2013, that number was only 23%.
  • Online Deal Sourcing Is Mainstream More than 33 percent of dealmakers currently use an online deal network to support deal sourcing. Of them, nearly 50 percent of sell-side M&A professionals have marketed at least one deal online in the last 12 months, and 28% have marketed more than five deals in the last 12 months.
  • Online Deal Sourcing Succeeds in Closing Transactions Among users of deal sourcing platforms, 45 percent of buy-side and 39 percent of sell-side professionals have closed a deal that was sourced on an online network.

Download full report HERE. 

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