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Assessing the Value of Certifications
By Rebecca Fitzhugh, Contributed by Global Knowledge; Preface by Jim Jeffries 



Why be certified in anything?  In nearly any area of specialization, the appropriate professional societies, trade organizations, and bodies responsible for standards and governance find value in the recognition of those individuals demonstrating proof of their expertise as “real world” practitioners.  The fields of IT, Finance/Accounting, Project Management and Real Estate are a few examples wherein specific expertise and experience are required to succeed, and which are acknowledged by corresponding certifications. Following this pattern is the field of Mergers & Acquisitions, and we encourage you seek recognition and corroboration of your knowledge, training and practice.


It's the time of year when we resolve to make improvements that may have eluded us in the past. As we embark on this new year, it is a good time to reflect on your career, what you've accomplished so far, where you want to go next and how becoming certified aligns with those goals. I am a VMware Certified Instructor and every single time I teach, I get questions regarding certification. IT certifications always seem to be a controversial topic, and the question is always, "Why should I become certified?"

Read the entire article HERE.