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Chairman's Message, November 2015
by Jim Jeffries, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council

It has long been a passion of mine to properly recognize and reward the hard work and talent of those who create value from mergers and acquisitions.  As companies continue to increase their dependency on growth through acquisitions, they will begin to recognize that M&A needs to become a core competency; for that to happen M&A specialists will be required.  To that end, I’m very happy to announce the official launch of the M&A Leadership Council’s certification program for M&A executives.

CMAS (Certified M&A Specialist) credentials will become available effective January 1, 2016.  Becoming an M&A Specialist requires more than just taking a course or a simple exam.  The path to becoming a Certified M&A Specialist combines 1.) flexible elective courses that let you focus on the subject areas of most value to you, 2.) the submission of your own field experiences, and 3.) a foundational exam.  Note: This program has been sanctioned by the Board of M&A Standards.

Every active candidate must complete each element of the THREE E's of the CMAS Certification: Education, Experience and Exam. Candidates must accrue at least 200 credits by taking M&A Leadership Council training courses, which range from 45 to 72 credits per course.  Candidates must also complete an Experience Submission Form (may submit two forms, earning from 25 to 100 credits each). Once the credits are earned, a candidate is eligible to take the Fundamentals Exam; passing candidates are awarded their certificates as Certified M&A Specialists.

Prior attendees of programs presented in 2013-2015 will receive from 15-72 credits, depending on year taken and course topic.  Hundreds of our alumni who decide to pursue their credentials already have taken qualified course-work:  5% have accrued more than 100 credits; 10% have more than 75 credits; 25% have more than 50 credits.  

When you become a CMAS Specialist, the Council will:

  • Present you with a Certified M&A Specialist certification
  • Supply a customizable press release to publish on your own or via your company’s publicity channels
  • Provide you with a CMAS email signature badge
  • Grant you access to the M&A Leadership compilation of CMAS case studies and best practices

Go to: to learn more, and register today to begin capturing your credits.  Becoming a Certified M&A Specialist helps you showcase your M&A competencies and display your commitment to being an effective leader for growth by acquisitions.

We look forward to helping you achieve your goals.