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Schedule Your Calendar and Budget Now for 2015!


Make plans to join us for our new rapid, driven and intense 1.5-day courses, which will provide in-depth, advanced analysis of M&A practice specialties such as Strategy, Due Diligence, IT Integration and Legal Risks & Compliance.

Training will be held at a hotel on premises of Dallas/Fort Worth airport. Busy attendees will take advantage of how we've maximized logistics to minimize time away from work:  arrive by noon Thursday and depart by 3 pm Friday. These conferences will be presented throughout the year in Dallas, registration will open soon for all events in Q1 and Q2 2015.

FEE - Standard Fee:  $2400 
DISCOUNTS - Early Bird:  10% OFF = $2160
                         Alumni:  20% OFF = $1920
                         Group:  25% OFF = $1800

Course Descriptions:

1. The Art of M&A Strategy
Driven by rapid globalization, technology advances, and changes in public policy, industry restructuring has become "business as usual" and M&A has become a key element of strategy. This course will take you step-by-step through the types of M&A strategy and the development process, providing real-world examples of companies that have successfully used M&A in their overall business strategy. 

Topics include:

  • The nature of ongoing industry restructuring and opportunities for growth
  • When and how M&A should be part of strategic planning
  • A disciplined ongoing process for searching and screening candidates
  • How to maximize value as a buyer or seller
  • Why the obvious cost synergies are not enough and where more are hidden
  • How growth-oriented deals have the most potential to create the most value
  • How the corporate center adds value building a portfolio of businesses
  • How to engage the board constructively in M&A planning and execution

2. The Art of M&A Due Diligence
This program is focused on just-in-time training for those who will be responsible for planning and conducting the due diligence on the target company. Typically companies do a good job on the legal and financial due diligence however, it is assessing the strategic fit and business value of the acquisition where companies are looking for more training and education.  A key part of this program is to focus on the functional groups and begin applying the nuance material, tools, and best practices introduced. 

Topics include:

  • Setting the context of diligence within the overall M&A
  • Review of our acquisition strategies and lessons learned
  • Introduction to effective due diligence
  • Launching the due diligence effort: planning and preparation
  • Structuring and managing the diligence
  • Understanding the financials: why all EBITDAs are not created equally
  • Looking behind and beyond the numbers
  • Conducting a business fit and value assessment
  • Case studies and functional group break-outs
  • Bridging to integration: key deliverables and next steps

3. The Art of IT Integration
IT represents the largest investment, most potential risk and complexities, and also bottom-line business benefits in the execution of a successful integration. Because IT touches all other functional areas, an M&A integration cannot be completed until all the elements of the IT integration have been addressed.  It is important that key M&A integration project leaders become more knowledgeable about managing and leveraging this critical component in the overall M&A integration; business activities and priorities must be linked with those in IT throughout the process. Based on the tight linkage needed between the business integration leaders and their senior IT partners, we recommend joint attendance of both at this deep dive IT integration session.

Topics include:

  • Integrating IT within the context of the overall business integration
  • Critical IT issues to address/lessons learned for successful M&As
  • IT priorities and focus across the life cycle of an M&A
  • Linking business and IT objectives and priorities
  • Pre-close IT stabilization and planning
  • Managing IT through the post-close transition to steady-state
  • Harnessing big data and other IT trends for value creation

4. The Art of M&A Risk Management: Legal, Regulatory, Security & Cross Border
This seminar is for anyone with responsibility and oversight for any aspect of M&A where legal risks are present and regulatory compliance is a must.  Members of Baker & McKenzie (the leading legal firm for Cross Border M&A) will conduct the majority of the subjects.   Top executives, lawyers, corporate development and department heads should attend this course.  It will address legal due diligence concerns as well as some of the toughest issues facing merging entities today.  The program will begin with deal structures and the basics of the legal “do’s & don’ts” in diligence and M&A integration.  It will detail the challenges and complexities of Cross-Border M&A so attendees will be better equipped to understand the new issues and considerations of acquiring companies across multiple countries.  Finally, the seminar will address nuance issues like cyber-security and data privacy that must be considered during the diligence phase.

Topics include:

  • Strategy
    • Trends in M&A
    • Deal types and transaction structures
  • Due Diligence
    • Common pitfalls in transaction crafting and negotiating
    • Key Issues from signing through closing
  • International Transactions
    • Issues and challenges – jurisdictions, HR and tactical perspectives
    • Transitioning from close to steady state
  • Privacy and Security Risks
    • What about Big Data
    • Privacy and security – the elephant in the room



Enjoy a fabulous resort setting as you take in a seminar that has consistently been rated with 9's and 10's by previous attendees. Meeting rooms and meals are outstanding at the beautiful Hyatts located in San Diego (winter and summer sessions), and Scottsdale (spring and fall sessions). The climates and vistas help provide an unforgettable experience.

The Art of M&A Integration
The objective of this 3-day M&A Integration conference is to better equip attendees to move their organizations into the “winners’ circle”... repeatedly. Attendees are taken across the life cycle of an M&A playbook from strategy and readiness through full-scale integration. Not only are the critical activities characteristic of each stage addressed, but also those aspects that are often missed or underdeveloped. Processes, tools, and best practices are shared and experienced by all.

Topics include:

  • The business case for effective integration
  • Integration life cycle
  • Bridging from due diligence to integration
  • Strategy and readiness
  • Business fit and value
  • Addressing the people issues, communications, change management and culture
  • Legal and IT aspects of integration
  • Tools, frameworks and best practices: building blocks for growing in-house competencies 

FEE - Standard Fee:  $4100 
DISCOUNTS - Early Bird:  10% OFF = $3690
                         Alumni:  20% OFF = $3280
                         Group:  25% OFF = $3075

Registration for all conferences will open soon.

To pre-register or for more info, CLICK HERE or call our office at 214.689.3800