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Mergermarket Uncovers Some Interesting M&A Data

Mergermarket has released its third quarter (Q3) 2014 Global M&A roundup report for the Technology, Media and Telecom (TMT) Sector. Take a look at the full report HERE.

A few key findings include:

  • Global TMT M&A saw transactions worth US$ 494.8bn during the three first quarters of 2014. The value represents a strong 20.4% increase compared to the same period last year, and marks the highest TMT value on Mergermarket record (since 2001) for a Q1 to Q3 period.
  • In terms of deal count, TMT targets have attracted the most deals during any Q1-Q3 period on record.
  • Telecommunications M&A has been the dominant sub-sector representing 53.3% of the total TMT value. Telco hosted the two largest global M&A transactions: the US$68.5bn acquisition of Time Warner by Comcast and the US$ 65.5bn purchase of DIRECTTV by AT&T.
