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Submitted by superuser on

What’s the most risky time in the M&A deal life cycle?  As we teach in our “Art of M&A” training classes, it might be the day your stakeholders first hear of the merger.  Nothing is more destabilizing to the employees of the acquired company than to hear THEY are being acquired…..or in their minds, Taken Over!

This is a sensitive time for critical communications and the Council is proud to announce the recent release of The Employee Handbook for Mergers and Acquisitions.  This short but direct guide was written by authorities on the subject of managing the stress and uncertainty that comes when being acquired. 

Maybe most important, this is a customizable work that can contain a personal message from the CEO or division leader along with logo-branding of the two merging entities.  It becomes a private, in-house communication to directly address the employee concerns and deliver a personal touch just when it’s needed…..shortly after the announcement is made.

This exclusive offering is available directly through the M&A Leadership Council or through any of our partner companies.  The handbook can be delivered to your employees in paperback or electronic versions within one week of your order. 

For more details about the handbook, CLICK HERE.

To receive your own FREE paperback version, reply to this newsletter via email, or send a message to [email protected].
Subject Line:  Copy of Handbook
Please include: 

  • Your Name
  • Your Job Title
  • Your Company
  • Your Work Address

Until next time,
