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Submitted by superuser on

Of course we all aspire to grow the revenues of our business, reduce costs, create customer loyalty and many other avenues to contribute value to our stakeholders.  In order to do so, we secure the best vendors, employees and leaders who are educated, trained and experienced to create in-house competencies.  So why is it that so many companies, even today, continue to see growth by M&A in a passive light?  Why is it that so many company executives are given the arduous task of growing the business through acquisitions without a similar investment in people, training and tools needed to be competent in this arena?

Well, there is good news!  Over the last three years, the M&A Leadership Council has continued its expansion of knowledge, practices and tools through its collaboration between the best companies and subject matter experts. We are hands-down the best source to provide the training needed to assure better results in M&A.  In 2014, our organization, including all of our corporate partners, will expand our training programs to offer broader and deeper capabilities for the company executives and M&A practitioners who attend.

The Art of M&A Integration – Scottsdale / January 7, 8 and 9

The Art of M&A for IT – Orlando / February 18 and 19

The Art of International M&A – San Francisco / March 25 and 26 (Registr. opens Jan 1)

The Art of Due Diligence – San Diego / March 27 and 28

Go to our website and you will be able to register for all of these great workshops and more.  More than 500 executives and 350 companies have attended the ART OF M&A classes and rated them clearly the best training available.  We are proud to provide you a report of our ratings by class and the open comments of our attendees for 2013 upon request.

Enjoy the holiday season!
